A major earthquake of magnitude 7.8 struck Nepal on 25th April 2015. The natural disaster wreaked havoc on a massive scale. Thousands of people have lost their lives, and an estimated 1.4 million people are without food. The densely populated capital city, Kathmandu, home to over a million people, was ravaged by the earthquake but by the grace of Bhagawan, there was no substantial damage to the Sathya Sai centre or Sathya Sai School in Kathmandu.
In the days following the earthquake, electricity and fuel supplies were disrupted, roads were blocked, airports were closed, there was no internet connection, and mobile or land line communications were irregular. Food and supplies remain scarce, with acute need for waterproof tents and temporary shelter. According to United Nations, the earthquake affected 8 million people, with 1.7 million children in urgent need of aid.
The SSIO of Nepal jumped into action immediately after the earthquake struck. To support local relief effort, the Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO) has transferred funds immediately to the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust Nepal. Sathya Sai volunteers, including the youth, started offering food, water, clothes, shelter and medical care to the victims of the natural disaster. They also organized blood donations and helped at local hospitals. Sathya Sai medical professionals treated victims of the earthquake in many locations. The SSIO of Nepal is erecting tents to offer temporary shelter to the homeless and displaced people. More than 500 Sathya Sai volunteers are serving over 6,000 hot meals to the hungry, every
Furthermore, the SSIO is working to arrange shipments of much-needed medical supplies and tents to Nepal. After an initial period of stabilization, medical camps, meal services, rehabilitation, educational activities and other services will be offered by the SSIO Disaster Relief Committee on a sustainable basis, for the long term.
The local SSIO leaders, the Chair of Zone 4, and the Chair of SSIO Disaster Relief Committee have recommended that it is neither safe nor advisable for international SSIO volunteers to travel to Nepal at this time, due to limited access by road and by air, continued aftershocks, and security reasons, as advised by local government authorities. We will inform Sathya Sai volunteers about service opportunities when the situation improves.
However, many Sathya Sai volunteers are very eager to immediately participate in the relief operations. Those who wish to contribute funds may do so by following the instructions at the end of this message.
Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, Prasanthi Council, has advised all Sathya Sai devotees, “Let us all pray to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to shower His grace on the victims of the natural disaster, and give them courage and strength during their time of need. Let us come together as one family, and offer our loving prayers and support to our brothers and sisters in Nepal.”
Option 1: Contribution by cheque
Cheque should be payable to: Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation
And mailed to:
Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation
P.O. Box 660995, Arcadia, California, 91066-0995, USA.
Please include your email address for sending the receipt electronically. Thank you.
Option 2: Wire Transfer Instructions
For wire transfer, please send an email to accounting@ssswf.org
Please mention your name, address, and phone number in the email.
You will receive remittance instructions.
Thank you.